Dhall for Config Files
Dhall for Config Files
Setting up a Dhall project
Let's start with the standard directory used in the dhall-nethack repo
- types.dhall : this file is a convenient import of all the types
- types/ : this is where we put all of our type definitions
- render.dhall : this is a convenient way of importing all the render functions
- render/ : this is where we put all of our render functions
Adding a type
Add your type as a record in a file under the :/types/ directory.
{ WantedBy : Text }
If you need to reference another type in this type, you can use an import, like
. Since we're in the folder with all of our types, we can just use access to the local directory.
:/types/SystemdUnit.dhall{ Unit : ./Unit.dhall, Service : ./Service.dhall, Install : ./Install.dhall }
Register your type in :/types.
{ Unit = ./types/Unit.dhall , Service = ./types/Service.dhall , Install = ./types/Install.dhall , SystemdUnit = ./types/SystemdUnit.dhall }
You can now use your type by importing the :/types.dhall file:
let Systemd = ./types.dhall let t : Systemd.SystemdUnit = { Unit.Description = "hello" , Service = { User = "me", ExecStart = "/usr/bin/bash pwd" } , Install.WantedBy = "multi_user.target" } in { Unit.Description = "hello" , Service = { User = "me", ExecStart = "/usr/bin/bash pwd" } , Install.WantedBy = "multi_user.target" }
Adding a renderer for a type
If you need to output to a format other than JSON or YAML, you'll need to write your renderers and pass it through dhall text
Add a renderer for your type in a file under the :/render/ directory. This is a function which takes one of your type and returns Text. You can import your type with all types through the phrase
let types = ../types.dhall
, or you can use a direct import with../types/YourType.dhall
let types = ../types.dhall in λ(i : types.Install) → '' [Install] WantedBy=${i.WantedBy} ''
If you need to reference another renderer in this renderer, you can do that with a simple import, like
Register the renderer in the :/render.dhall file
{ Unit = ./render/Unit.dhall , Service = ./render/Service.dhall , Install = ./render/Install.dhall , SystemdUnit = ./render/SystemdUnit.dhall }
You can now use your renderers by importing them with
let Systemd = ./types.dhall let Render = ./reder.dhall let t : Systemd.SystemdUnit = { Unit.Description = "hello" , Service = { User = "me", ExecStart = "/usr/bin/bash pwd" } , Install.WantedBy = "multi_user.target" } in Render.SystemdUnit t
And you can run the dhall with
dhall text
dhall text --file f.dhall [Unit] Description=hello [Service] User=me ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash pwd [Install] WantedBy=multi_user.target
If you have a standard format you're building to, you can create a helper for easier importing. The example builds systemd unit files, so we might create one like
Adding examples
Everyone loves seeing examples of how to use your stuff, so let's add those. They're just a file located in the expected directory :/examples
let Systemd = ../types.dhall
let jupyterhub_unit
: Text → Systemd.SystemdUnit
= λ(config_location : Text) →
{ Unit.Description = "JupyterHub"
, Service =
{ User = "jupyterhub"
, ExecStart = "/opt/jupyterhub/bin/jupyterhub -f ${config_location}"
, Install.WantedBy = "multi_user.target"
in jupyterhub_unit
And then we can invoke this from the command line, with something like:
echo "./render/SystemdUnit.dhall (./examples/templated_unit.dhall \"/opt/jupyterhub/etc/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_config.py\")" | dhall text
or with our helper renderer:
echo "./toSystemdUnit.dhall (./examples/templated_unit.dhall \"/opt/jupyterhub/etc/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_config.py\")" | dhall text